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Providing the highest caliber of services
Excellence Guaranteed

General notarization/notarizacion en general
Travel Authorizations/autorizacion de viaje
Mandates/carta poder
Acknowledgment of paternity/reconocimiento de paternidad
Last Will and Testament/Testamento
Act of Donation/Donaciones
Real estate closings/Vender propiedad
Small successions/sucesion
Certified Translations/traducciones certificadas
Invitation letters/carta de invitacion
Limited emancipation of minor/emancipacion limitada por menor
Apostille services/apostillas
Matrimonial Agreement/contrato de matrimonio
Business documents-LLC, Corporation, etc./Documentos para LLC, Corporacion
Interpret immigration forms I-130, I-765, N-400/interpretar formularios de inmigracion I-130, I-765, N-400
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